Nyan's Webpage

bring on the rebels, the ripples from pebbles, the painters, poets, and plays~~


wow hi, welcome to my (unity858's) personal webpage...
appearance is inspired by former geometryexplorer.xyz; former because I'd love to buy that domain for myself; it was previously used by Dennis Chen.

Points Q, R, S, T, U, V are all concyclic.
(Source: Brazil Revenge 2021/3, aka "Naruto")

Most used links (at least by me):

  • Revenge ELMO 2023, something amusing made by the ELMO 2023 contestants for the organizers.
  • my geo favorites paper, featuring configs + projective geometry too much;
  • Semiofficial Youth EUCLID page, of an organization I run and am trying to revive;

(page background: "Lost Sky - Dreams [NCS Release]")